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London 22nd-26th of May

Our second trip together was to our favorite city, London. We planned this trip to visit the city because I'd never been there before and Carla wanted to come back there. So we booked the flight and the hotel on January and 4 months later we were taking a plane to the UK.

When we arrived we got lost in the middle of London because we didn't know how to find our hotel, but after like a half an hour we found it and we could leave our stuff in the hotel room and go to explore the city. The first day we went to the Buckingham Palace, the Victoria zone, the Trafalgar Square etc. And after a tired day we had dinner and went to sleep.

The second day we went to visit Candem, our favorite place let us say it, and we spent the morning there. In the afternoon we went to the Picadilly Circus and the Hyde Park, which is so BIG, and we spent almost the whole afternoon there.

Next day we went to the London Eye and the view up there is spectacular, you can see the whole city! Besides the London Eye ticket had a 4D experience for free. It was a good and different experience. Madame Tussauds Museum and it was awesome, the wax figures are exactly the same as the celebrity. A funny thing that happened to us was that while we were in the museum, we found out that Hey Violet was in London so when we went out of the Madame Tussauds we went to the Oxford Street and we had a look to the HV hotel just to see if they were around there and we saw them and we had the chance to talk to them and take a picture with them (Miranda was not there) and here you have the picture.

We didn't think that the trip could be more perfect until we found out that 5SOS was also in London at that moment. So after visiting the Notting Hill Street and some places around the London Bridge we went to the 5SOS hotel and before we arrived to the hotel we saw Ashton (the drummer) crossing the street. We couldn't talk to him because he was going inside but he took a picture with us and we still can't believe it although we wanted to talk to him.

The last day of our trip was quite short because we had to leave at lunch time but we visited some places and then we went to the airport to come back home :(.

Two weeks later we were in London again to see 5sos performing in Wembley.

Also we had a photoshoot at the Buckingham Palace for free. Here's one of the pictures.

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